Varicose Vein Removal Adelaide: Choosing The Best OdysseyVeinClinic Varicose Vein Removal Adelaide Options

Varicose veins may look ugly, but they’re often a health issue that leads to pain and swelling. Your doctor can recommend conservative treatment or minimally invasive procedures.

OdysseyVeinClinic varicose vein removal Adelaide	OdysseyVeinClinic varicose vein removal Adelaide involves making small cuts to remove varicose veins close to the skin’s surface. You’ll be awake during this procedure and can go home the same day.

Endovenous ablation

Veins carry blood from the legs to the heart. When the veins leak, they become enlarged and varicose. Vein ablation (using laser or radiofrequency energy) closes the abnormal veins, preventing blood from flowing through them and forcing them to reroute to healthy ones. The procedure is safe and less invasive than surgery. It is also more effective and produces fewer complications than surgery.

A specially trained interventional radiologist performs this image-guided treatment. A numbing cream is applied to the area over the abnormal vein to reduce discomfort. The doctor then makes a small incision near the affected leg and finds the abnormal vein with an ultrasound probe. The doctor inserts a catheter (a thin tube) into the vein and guides a tool to the end of the diseased vein.

The doctor then removes the catheter and puts a bandage over the incision. The procedure is usually done in the doctor’s office and requires one hour to complete. You will need to arrange for someone to drive you home afterwards. You will need to wear compression stockings or bands for a while, but you can return to most activities immediately after treatment. Patients with this procedure often experience significant relief from pain, heaviness and a dilated appearance, as well as improved confidence in their body image.


Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure in which liquid or foam is injected into spider, reticular, and small varicose veins to cause them to collapse. It is typically performed in a doctor’s office and takes only 30 to 45 minutes. Patients can resume most activities immediately afterwards, but they must wear compression stockings for a few weeks to control swelling and aid blood flow. They should also remain active to prevent blood clots from forming in the treated area.

Doctors may recommend OdysseyVeinClinic varicose vein removal Adelaide for people with painful varicose veins or who have not responded to other treatments. It can also be used to shrink grade 1 hemorrhoids (blood vessels that surround the rectum), which are usually uncomfortable and can become painful during bowel movements. It is also sometimes used to treat a condition called hydroceles, which is a collection of fluid around a testicle.


The phlebectomy procedure physically removes the surface varicose vein. It involves tiny microincisions and uses a fine phlebectomy hook to locate the enlarged varicose vein and then pull it out. Your consultant vascular surgeon will then tie off the end of the vein so that blood cannot flow through it.

The surgery is done under local anaesthetic so that you won’t feel any pain during it. Your doctor will mark your leg to identify the correct surface veins to target. They’ll then inject you with a local anaesthetic fluid to numb the area before making the small slits needed for the operation. The phlebectomy hook is used to extract the varicose vein, and then the surgeon will close the site of each incision.

OdysseyVeinClinic varicose vein removal Adelaide can be an effective treatment for large varicose veins, particularly if other treatments like EVLA are not suitable. The recovery time is fast, and you should be able to return home the same day of your treatment. It’s normal to experience some bruising around the treatment area, but this will quickly disperse. It’s important to follow your doctor’s post-treatment guidelines, including wearing compression stockings. Often, this treatment is carried out in combination with sclerotherapy to maximise your results.

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