Occupational Therapy Adelaide: Occupational Therapy for Kids

Occupational therapy, or OT, helps kids reach developmental milestones. It also helps kids with sensory processing issues, like touch or sound sensitivity; self-help skills, such as brushing teeth and toilet training; fine motor skills, such as gripping a pencil; and more.

OTs work in a variety of settings, from homes for young children to special sensory gyms. But most kids occupational therapy Adelaide work in schools, pushing into classrooms or pulling kids out for one-on-one sessions.

Improved Self-Esteem

Occupational therapy helps kids develop the skills they need to thrive, and that includes improving self-esteem. OT is different for each child, so sessions are tailored to their specific needs. Kids work on both gross and fine motor skills, which are the movement of muscles in their arms, legs and torso. They might play games, write letters, draw shapes or use a grip meter to measure how strong their hands are. In some cases, therapists will visit children in their homes or at specialized clinics; others work at schools or hospitals.

occupational therapy AdelaideOT can also help improve sensory processing, which is the way a person responds to physical and emotional stimuli. For example, some kids who have trouble regulating their systems may be over-stimulated or under-stimulated to the point that it’s hard for them to focus at school or in social situations. Occupational therapists can teach these children methods to calm themselves, such as deep breathing or staring up at a ceiling fan.

Occupational therapists are often the first people to call in when a young child isn’t performing at the same level as other children their age. They can help address developmental delays in areas like sensory & processing, handwriting & other academic tasks, activities of daily living (like bathing or getting dressed), and socialization. Kids who struggle with developmental delays or disorders are more likely to experience low self-esteem, and kids occupational therapy Adelaide can boost their confidence & independence.

Improved Social Skills

The social skills kids need to develop and interact with others will shape their lives, so they must learn the right coping techniques. It is where OT can come in handy. Kids with autism, ADHD or other conditions may have trouble interacting and coping with their environment, and pediatric occupational therapy can help them overcome these difficulties.

OT can encourage children to play with their peers, practice self-care and other daily tasks, and improve their quality of life. Pediatric OT can also enhance their learning and development by fostering hand strength, improving fine motor skills and more. It includes the pincer grasp, a grip with the pads and tips of the thumb and index finger, which is necessary for activities like colouring, scissor cutting and more. OTs can strengthen these skills using exercises that are fun for kids, such as playing with Play-Doh or pushing buttons on a special grip meter.

Improved Communication Skills

Kids who need help with basic self-care, like dressing themselves and using the toilet, can benefit from OT. They’ll learn the skills to do those tasks with confidence. It can be especially important for kids with special needs, including developmental disabilities or physical injuries.

Kids with sensory processing issues may benefit from OT as well. It is when a child can’t synthesize the information they feel through their senses, such as touch, sight, sound, smell, movement and internal body sensations. Kids with sensory processing problems can get over- or under-sensitive to things like clothing that’s scratchy, itchy or tight, loud noises or being touched.

OT can help improve motor skills, as well. Fine motor skills involve movements of the fingers, hands and wrists, while gross motor skills include the movement of arms, legs and torso. Pediatric OTs often work on developing the pincer grasp, a grip that uses the pads and tips of a child’s index finger and thumb. They may also use hand strengthening exercises to help kids strengthen their arms and fingers so they can hold a pencil or cut with scissors. Occupational therapy can also address gross or fine motor problems that cause kids to have trouble climbing stairs or throwing a ball.

Improved Attention and Focus

Paying attention and staying focused is a vital part of childhood development. It is needed for school, homework, sports and even daily life tasks like eating and washing. Kids who struggle to stay engaged often fall behind academically and may also have a hard time making friends or getting along with others.

The kids occupational therapy Adelaide addresses these problems and helps children to become more active in their environments. OTs use a variety of techniques to increase attention and focus, including repetition and eye contact. They can also help to reduce background noise or distractions, allowing children to remain on task.

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