Gardening Maintenance: Why You Need a Garden Maintenance Service Package

Garden maintenance services can cost a lot of money. That is because many jobs require high levels of expertise and time. These include removing weeds, pruning topiary plants, and installing new plants and turf. Some services also provide soil testing and analysis.

garden maintenance service packageA garden maintenance contract should indicate when each service will occur. It should also state what services aren’t included. For more information about the garden maintenance service package, click here.

Weed Control

Weeds can detract from the beauty of your garden area. They compete for water, nutrients and light with desired plants and crops. Our weed control service can help you manage unwanted vegetation and protect your investment in your landscape.

We use various techniques to kill weeds, including hot water, steam, and herbicides. We also offer a pre-emergent application that helps prevent weeds from growing in the spring and a post-emergent for summer control of weeds that have already sprouted.

Annual weeds complete their life cycle (germination, growth, flowering and seed production) within one year or less. They spread by seeds or vegetative means such as tubers, rhizomes and stolons. Examples include crabgrass, dandelions and clover. Perennial weeds grow, mature, and go to source over several years. Examples include violet, dandelion, cleavers, ground ivy and clover. Some so-called weeds are edible and used for herbal medicine. Others are valuable for their beauty and contribute to soil health.


The right amount of fertiliser is essential to keeping your plants and lawn healthy. A garden maintenance service package will ensure your plants receive the correct soil nutrients throughout the year.

Fertilisation (fertilisation, impregnation and syngamy) is the fusion of sperm and egg nuclei to create a new individual organism or offspring. It is the most fundamental and crucial part of sexual reproduction in animals and plants. For more information about the garden maintenance service package, click here.

Regular maintenance includes surface cleaning and repair, such as paving slabs and repainting or staining fences, paths, decks and letterboxes to extend their life. It’s also important to keep these areas well-maintained to prevent injury, such as slips on mouldy paving or damage to timber surfaces and structures. It is especially important in commercial settings where employees spend much time outside. It is where a professional garden maintenance service will pay off. They have the expertise and equipment to do regular work without damaging your building or causing costly delays.


Pruning is one of the most essential landscape maintenance practices, ensuring healthy trees and shrubs and attractive gardens. Proper pruning helps to encourage flowers and fruits, promotes air circulation, removes dead wood, and corrects structural problems.

A gardening service can save you time and money, especially if you have a large property with multiple gardens and lawns. Regularly maintaining your garden with a subscription-based service will ensure it is always tidy and looking its best.


Amid urban pollution, natural stone patios and wooden outdoor garden furniture can become blemished with the growth of algae and other pollutants. We can help restore your townhouse backyard patio or rooftop deck as part of your NYC garden maintenance service package.

Several schools have successfully implemented summer maintenance schedules by assigning each family and student a week during the summer to maintain the garden site. Phone calls, letters home and sign-ups at parent/teacher meetings are excellent ways to engage families in the garden. For more information about the garden maintenance service package, click here.

To help your community garden thrive, we encourage you to consider adding monthly maintenance to your garden design project. It ensures that the plants are weed-free, fertilised and healthy to grow at their full potential.

Garden maintenance is a complex task that involves a lot of different tasks. For this reason, hiring a gardening service package is the best option to help you save time and get the job done right. It is not only a way to get your yard and garden in shape but also helps you to spend more time doing things that are important to you.

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